Matilda Digital Comic Strip with Phrasal Verbs (Transmedia Lesson Package)

This lesson package includes two 1-hour lessons. It aims to make use of the transmedia text 'Matilda', a comic adaptation by Aaron Renier and its original text 'Matilda' by Roald Dahl to teach multiliteracies. This lesson package focuses on introducing the linguistic and visual strategies used in forming imagery that communicates character emotion and actions in a comic narrative. Appropriate for ages 10 to 11 years old.

Learning Outcomes
○ apply both linguistic and visual strategies to convey meaning.
○ develop an appreciation for multimodality to engage readers.

Lesson 1 - Making Characters Talk in Comics With Phrasal Verbs (Duration: 60 mins)

Lesson Objectives
1) Identify the forms of phrasal verbs in the Matilda book.
2) Analyse how linguistic (dialogue/speech, phrasal verbs) work with visual strategies (pose, facial expression) to emphasize phrasal verbs in an illustration from the Matilda book.
3) Represent phrasal verbs appropriately by combining linguistic and visual strategies.


Lesson 2 - My Matilda Comic with Phrasal Verbs (60 minutes)

Lesson Objectives
1) Identify phrasal verbs in a comic adaptation of Matilda.
2) Analyze the linguistics (dialogue/speech, phrasal verbs) and visual strategies (pose, facial expression, shots) used to emphasize character emotion in a comic adaptation of Matilda.
3) Sequence a short narrative with phrasal verbs by using linguistic and visual strategies.


The lesson package consists of:

  • Lesson 1 - Making Characters Talk in Comics With Phrasal Verbs Lesson Plan
  • Lesson 1 - Making Characters Talk in Comics With Phrasal Verbs PowerPoint Slides
  • Lesson 2 - My Matilda Comic with Phrasal Verbs 
  • Lesson 2 - My Matilda Comic with Phrasal Verbs PowerPoint Slides
  • Matilda Comic with Phrasal Verbs Learning Sheet

Download the lesson package here.
